
It happened when 24th october 2011. My telephone was ring and my helper try to pick up and talk with someone on the phone. When my helper said 'halo', she heard someone was crying. And, i knew that someone on the phone was my mom. And she said that, "My dad was die".
I didn't know what happened with my life after he left me for ever.
I was sad, cry and really couldn't believe that my dad was die. I ever talk to God and Malaikat, "Why did You took my dad? WHY?". But, many people said, "You must be patient, i know that you can". My dad was die at Persahabatan Hospital, Jakarta. When my dad was die, my mom in his side. I knew that my mom really love my dad.
When my dad arrived at our home. I couldn't believe that he was die. But, when i took a bath his body, he didn't breath again for ever.
It was really hard when someone who you really love, left you for ever. It was not for a day, a month, or a year, it's for ever. My dad was buried in Subang, his hometown. I felt REALLY SAD. I couldn't believe, until now. So, when i came back to Jakarta after my dad was buried, i was cry along the way to my home. And until now i still couldn't believe that. My dad was die because cancer. And 2 weeks after my dad died, my beloved teacher was die. She was my english teacher. Ma'am Eva. She is really smart, she likes traveling. She ever went to singapore, chinese, and another else. When i was on my school, someone text me, first time, i don't know the number, but i know that was kak mezy, and he said that, "Ma'am eva left us for ever". SHOCKED. When i studied in Quadrant Institue, i know that she is a fun person, like laughing, and she never looked like someone who had cancer, leukimia. Don't know why, but i still couldn't believe that two person who important for my life left me for ever.

"Dad, you must know that i love you so much. You're the best dad and the best leader for ever. You're a good man. You're the most handsome man in my life. FOREVER. Did you know dad? I always ask to mom why i didn't have a sharp nose like you. I know that no one have a sharp and good nose like you. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH DAD. I'LL BE SUCCESSFUL AND I'LL KEEP OUR FAMILY, MOM, AND BROTHER"

"Ma'am, i really likes you, You're one of the best teacher in my life. You're never show us that you had cancer. You always laughing, until we don't know that she had something important in her body, likes cancer. I LOVE YOU MAM. I'LL BE SUCCESSFUL. I'LL MAKE YOU PROUD THAT I WAS YOUR STUDENT"

Your daughter, and Your Student,
