
Showing posts from December, 2011

Sweet 2011

Tengah malem gini, gue bingung mau posting apa. Akhirnya, setelah melihat home facebook, yang berisi mamah gue (kakaknya ibu gue, biasa gue panggil mamah.) gue memulai stalker, karena mamah gue yang satu ini sangat lah rajin berfb ria. Dan setelah membuka album hajinya, gue melihat satu tag-an, yaitu tante gue yang baik, sholeha, dan gak tau kenapa kata gue tante gue ini tante yang cantik, tante ziah. Dan melihat wallnya, gue melihat sesuatu yang berasal dari suaminya, om gue..... Let's check out! Semoga ntar gue gini ya :') lho-_- Tapi... Kenapa mesti lewat facebook om?._. Fyi, om gue yang ini pernah ngerjain gue dengan berpura pura sok kenalan lewat sms- _-


What. Sebenernya gue bingung mau nulis apa..... Ini udah malem bgt. Gue msh sendirian yang belum tidur sama tv yang nyala dengan layar lebar yang gak gue tau apa ceritanya..... Finally, welcome holiday!! Goodbye school, homework, assignment, and teacher. I'll live without you for 2 weeks. Asik bgt deh nih liburan. Jum'at besok rencana gue mau liburan ke tanjung pinang, kepulauan riau. Terus ke batam, kalau boleh dan jadi sih ke spore sekalian 0:) haha. Terus apa yah? Oya, rencana MENABUNG di tahun 2012 sepertinya sudah mantap!! Gue mau beli laptop baru :] udah bosen sama hp white yang sebenernya masih memiliki banyak manfaat. Terus gue rencana beli blackberry. Gak tau kenapa, mungkin karena emak gue mau beli blackberry, atau mungkin karena semua orang sudah memakai? Gak tau, padahal gue masih punya hp bagus xperia mini pro, yang setiap orang ngeliat dan nanya harga mereka selalu bilang, "Kenapa gak beli bb aja?". Well, gue nyadar bahwa hp gue masih cukup bagus untuk d

Tak Terbalas

Akhirnya aku biarkan kamu pergi Walaupun bukan aku yang menemani Walaupun ternyata bukan aku yang akan menggenggam tanganmu Walaupun ternyata bukan aku yang akan mendapatkan semua ini Tak ada lagi rasa sedih menghinggapi Tak ada lagi rasa sakit hati Hanya ada kerikil yang masih tersisa Mengganjal, tak tau apa sebabnya Mungkin aku kaget Atau terkejut Atau... Aku tak mau kau pergi tanpaku Aku rela jika kau bersamanya Jika kau pergi bertualang dengannya Menjelajahi dan mencari sebuah arti cinta sejati Andai engkau tau Aku akan tetap disini Berdiam diri, terhanyut akan segala imajinasi dan emosi Jikakah sekiranya kau kembali? Lalu menghampiri diri ini Mungkinkah itu terjadi? Seandainya itu terjadi, ku yakin kau tak akan hampiri raga ini Itu hanyalah sebuah mimpi yang tak kan terjadi Mimpi indah tentang cinta remaja Tak pernah ku ucapkan kata "suka" Apalagi "cinta" Termasuk "sayang" Semua itu... Tak pernah ku keluarkan Pernahkah kau tau? Tidak! Kau tak kan pern

Postingan Ira

Itu berkaitan dengan harga diri. Ya, itu benar. Seseorang memang harus menghadapimu dengan martabat dan harga diri supaya kamu tidak menggapnya sampah. Apalagi mencintai dan dicintai adalah masalah bagiku. Karena apapun yang kau dapat, harus selalu kau bayar, baik secara tunai maupun kredit. Dunia ini persis pasar, ya kan? apa pun harus ada transakasi yang jelas. Kalau tidak, kamu jadi pencuri. Hukuman bagi pencuri itu sudah jelas. Jika ada empat orang saksi, kamu sudah pantas tidak memiliki tangan lagi. Tapi sampai saat ini aku belum juga pantas untuk seseorang yang mencuri kepolosan hati. Setelah bertemu dengamu aku tidak polos lagi, tapi aku aku tidak bisa menuduhmu mencuri. Tidak ada bukti. Tidak ada saksi. Orang yang tidak memiliki hati pasti dia bukan manusia lagi. Tapi, entahlah. Setelah hatiku kau curi, aku malah lebih manusiawi. Source:

Best Man

He is the best man in this world. He is handsome. Really handsome. He is tall. (I like men who like this.) He has a sharp nose. He is kind-hearted. He is not arrogant. He is patient. He is never give up. He is never complain about his disease. He is never want to make me in a difficult way. I really proud of him. Do you know? He is a good drumer. He is a good vocalist. He can do all of the sports. Like soccer, volley, and others. He is generous. He never want to buy a low things. He always buy something in a high class. Why? Because, it'll be long. And the quality is good. If you ask me, "Who is the most handsome guy in this world?" I'll answer, "My dad, yeah my dad. No one can change it." My dad is the best man for ever. No one can change it! Dad, i know that you know in the heaven. Now you've calmed down. You're free from the deadly cancer. You must to know, that i'll always love you, for ever. And no one can change my love for you. You're

My Friend and Her EX

My best friend, write something for her EX. "I'm lucky of fallin in love to you, to the people that always remembering me back to Allah. I'm lucky of fallin in love to you, to the people who bring me back to the right path when I'm just to lost. You hold my hand to the holy life. You arren't arrogant. You'll always love Allah more than me. You told me to love Allah first. You're different from all of the guys that i ever knew. You're good. You might be no very handsome. Like what my mom always ask me to searching for a guy is. But no matter. I don't even care. You're almost perfect in my eyes. I love you just the way you are. I love you because you're remembering me to Allah. I don't care is you are right now. What we were to be. What we called by. I'm not. I'm only. I love you because Allah, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX."

Untitled-English Vers.

When i felt there's a room inside my heart you've touched and when, i realized love is not always beautiful Maybe it is me, that needed to understand that i am not what you wanted am i wrong when you're the one in my heart Have i stayed in your heart, is it possible that you've missed me is there a bit of me in your heart Will i ever disturbed your days, maybe you don't want my existence is there a bit of me in your heart Maybe it is me, that needed to understand that i am not what you wanted am i wrong when you're the one in my heart You're the one in my heart If our love never be created i simply wanted to understand have i stayed in your heart and when will you ever know, you're the one in my heart You're the one in my heart am i.. In your heart
There's only one guy in my class who attract attention to me. But, i don't like him. I don't love him too. Just what? Just...... I can't describe-_- I want to sing a song for him. Untitled. From maliq and d'essential.
I looked my friend's tumblr. Yeah, vienna's tumblr. And i read the post. She said that taylor swift is the one of 10 beutiest woman in this world. Taylor is number 8. That's good!

Orange Sky

I really like orange sky. Don't know why, but orange sky is a beautiful sky ever. First time, when i saw it, i feel something can't describe. Free, quiet, peacefull. And it make me wanna fly.
Whaaa, something wrong with my blog-__- Why the music can't play? Why when i want to write the post, and some element to edit the text is dissapear? Look that! Hate it. And my header can be in the center of the page. Look that!
F mean you. F mean Forget you.
Dzaki write something in lable paper for ijah. Her imagination "ex".